Chef’s Line melting cake batter 2#
Monarch corn starch 2/3 c
Chef’s Line vanilla crème 1#
Glenview Farms 40% heavy cream 1pt
Method: thaw melting cake batter and mix in the corn starch, place in a pastry bag and on a parchment covered sheet tray, pipe 1” round discs. Bake the discs in a 350 degree oven for 7-10 minutes remove and allow to cool. Over a double boiler heat the crème to 140 degree and the cool to 45 degrees. Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks. Fold the whipped cream in the crème one third at a time. Take one chocolate disc flat side up and place one tablespoon of the crème mixture and top with second chocolate disc. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Yield: 24 gobs
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