Thursday, May 31, 2012


Stuffing bread

2 loaves        Hilltop Hearth        white bread (1/2” diced and dried)
1#                 CVF                       diced celery
8oz                CVF                      diced onions
4oz               Glenview Farms     butter
1T                 Monarch                poultry seasoning
6ea                Glenview Farms    large eggs
1c                  Chef’s Line           chicken stock

Method: Sweat onions and celery in butter until tender, add poultry seasoning and chicken stock and mix well, add bread and eggs mix well. Place stuffing into greased a loaf  pan. Cover with foil; bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until internal temperature is 165 degrees. Cool over night, slice into ½ inch thick slices.

Yield: 16 slices

2 slices                               stuffing bread (warmed)
6oz       Patuxent Farms     roasted turkey (sliced)
6oz                                     roast turkey gravy

Method:  Heat the turkey in a pan with the gravy. Place the stuffing bread on a plate and top with the turkey and gravy.

Fun twist to an old classic.

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