Friday, May 18, 2012


6ea     HBank                7-9oz catfish fillet (199097) cut in half
1#                                  celery 1” chop
1#      CVF                    diced onion (045266)
1#       Psado                  3/8 “diced tomatoes (174211)
8oz                                 white wine (205294)
8oz                                 water
1tsp     CLS T                lobster base (301705)
6 threads                        saffron (334531)
1tsp     Monarch             thyme leaf (207265)
1T       Roseli                 chopped garlic (204673)
1T       CVF                    fresh parsley, chopped (043109)
1ea.     Hillt A                Artisan garlic loaf (428341) made into crostini

Method: combine all ingredients except the bread and catfish into a pot and simmer for 20 min. Then add the catfish simmer for 20 min. Serve in a bowl with a few crostini on the rim of the bowl.

Yield: 12 sevings

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