Thursday, May 31, 2012


2cn         Hbanks                           chopped sea clams
1cn         Hbanks                            sea clam juice
2#                                                  Crimini mushrooms (sliced)
8oz          CVF                               diced red onions
8oz          CVF                               diced celery
8oz                                                 leeks (sliced)
8oz                                                 zucchini (sliced)
8oz                                                 yellow squash (sliced)
16oz         CVF                               red potatoes (diced)
16oz         Roseli                            diced tomatoes
1oz           CVF                               fresh parsley (chopped)
1oz           Roseli                             Chopped garlic
1tsp          Monarch                         oregano leaf
1tsp          Monarch                         thyme
1T            Monarch                         six pepper blend
2T            Monarch                         corn starch
2oz           Roseli                             olive oil

Method: Sweat the onions, garlic, leeks, celery, zucchini, squash and mushrooms in the
olive oil until tender. Then add the juice from the clams, the clam juice, potatoes, tomatoes and seasonings simmer until potatoes are tender. Bring to a boil add corn starch
to thicken, add chopped clams and parsley simmer two minutes and serve.

Yield: 240 oz

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