Friday, May 18, 2012



2ea.           Stock Yard         4oz tenderloin steaks center cut
2ea            I/gold                  artichoke bottoms
3oz            Blue Water         jumbo lump crabmeat
3oz                                        boursin cheese
1oz             Beyond              butter substitute
3oz             Patuxent Farm   Demi-Glace
1oz                                       red wine
1/4tsp         Monarch            six pepper blend

Method: Brown steaks on both sides in butter sub, remove from pan. In same pan deglaze with red wine, then add demi-glace, six pepper, artichoke bottoms and crabmeat simmer
until hot.

Plating: place the steaks on the plate, and then put the artichoke bottom on top of steaks.
Spoon the sauce and crabmeat over the steaks and finish with some boursin cheese
on top of each steak.

Yield: one serving

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