Friday, May 18, 2012


1ea                Patuxent                     8oz boneless skin on chicken breast
1oz                CVF                            sliced white mushrooms
1oz                                                   oyster mushrooms, sliced
1oz                CVF                           portabella mushrooms, sliced
1oz                                                   shiitake mushrooms, sliced
¼ tsp             CVF                           fresh parsley, chopped
2oz                Glenview                   heavy cream 40%
2oz                                                   brandy
1/8 tsp           Monarch                     six pepper blend
½ oz              Beyond                       liquid butter sub

Method: sauté the chicken breast skin side down in the Beyond until the skin is crisp and golden brown turn chicken over and cook for 10 minutes at a low heat. Add all the mushrooms and sauté for two or three minutes, add the brandy and burn off the alcohol, add the cream, six pepper blend and reduce by half. Add the parsley and serve.

Yield: 1 serving

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