Thursday, May 3, 2012


                            Pie crust dough (see recipe)                                   12oz
Chef’s Line         vanilla crème                                                          20 oz
Monarch              IQF sliced peaches (thawed)                                  16oz
Monarch              IQF blackberries (thawed)                                      8oz
Monarch              IQF red raspberries (thawed)                                  8oz
Hilltop Hearth     strawberry glaze                                                      1oz
                            Water                                                                       ½ oz

Method: roll out pie dough  11” round, place in at ten inch tart pan, bake 350 degree for 8 minutes or until light brown, let cool. Heat the crème in a double boiler to 140 degree and let cool. Spread the crème on to the pie crust; arrange the fruit on top of the crème. Bring the strawberry glaze and water to a boil remove from heat and let cool, brush the fruit with the glaze just to coat. Cool tart for one hour and then serve.

Yield: 10 servings


Hilltop Hearth               flour                                                24oz
Glenview Farms            butter (cold and ¼ “diced)             16oz
                                      Water, ice cold                                 8oz
Monarch                        salt                                                   1/8 tsp

Method dough: cut the butter into the flour until all the butter is coated with flour; add water mix just until water is incorporated. Dived the mixture into four equal parts shape into flat ball, wrap in film and chill one our.

Yield: 4-11” crusts

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