Friday, May 18, 2012


4c           Monarch                       sugar
2c           Monarch                       corn syrup
1c                                                water
1tsp        Monarch                       salt
4c                                                cashew pieces
½ c         Glenview Farms           butter (soft)
4tsp         Monarch                      baking soda

Method: grease a sheet tray and set aside.
In a heavy sauce pot bring to a boil over med heat the sugar, corn syrup, water and salt. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Mix in nuts, set candy thermometer in pot stir frequently until mixture reaches 300 degrees. Remove from heat immediately stir in butter and baking soda. Pour mixture onto the greased sheet tray with two forks pull mixture evenly out on tray. Let cool then snap into pieces.

Yields: 4#

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