Thursday, March 1, 2012


16ea             Harbor Banks                  16/20   P&D shrimp
16ea             Harbor Banks                  10/20 scallops
4ea               Harbor Banks                   4oz lobster tail (split)
4ea               Harbor Banks                   7-9oz catfish filet (cut in half)
16ea                                                      little neck clams
16ea                                                      mussels
16oz             El Pasado                         3/8 diced tomatoes
16oz             Monarch                          white wine
8oz               CVF                                 diced onion
8oz               CVF                                 diced celery
1T                Roseli                               chopped garlic
1tsp              Monarch                           thyme leaf
10 threads                                             saffron
1/4c             CVF                                  fresh parsley (chopped)
8oz                                                       water
2tsp             CLS T                               lobster base
1/2tsp          Monarch                           ground black pepper
8ea              Hilltop Hearth                   French petit pain rolls (split and toasted)

Method: Place all ingredients except the seafood, parsley and rolls into a brazier simmer for ten minutes. Add catfish cover and simmer for five minutes, then add remaining seafood and simmer for five minutes. Remove from heat add parsley and serve.

Plating: in a wide shallow bowl place 2 shrimp, 2 scallops, 2 clams, 2 mussels, one piece catfish and one half of a lobster tail. Cover with 8oz of the broth and place two pieces of roll on the side of the bowl.

Yield: 8 servings

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